Jméno a příjmení: Alena Huberová

Město, ve kterém bude mentoring probíhat: Praha, online

Specializace: leadership development / professional and personal growth

Jazyky, v kterých mentoruje: AJ, ČJ, španělština



Proč jsem se rozhodla být mentorkou:

Pro mě samotnou měl mentoring úžasnou přidanou hodnotu, takže ho já sama chci poskytnout i dalším ženám. Mimoto se ženy dozvědí vice o mé práci a programu, a pokud hledají pomoc s kariérnim či osobním růstem, budou vědet, na koho se mohou obrátit.

O mně:

Fifteen years in the corporate arena with roles in marketing, sales and communication, living in 5 different countries across Europe and Asia. Alena has worked with 400+ corporate executives and company founders to help them develop strong communication and influencing skills. 

In 2017 she turned her focus on women, helping them succeed in their managerial endeavours while never forgetting who they are. Her online signature program SHELeads takes a holistic approach to leadership. It is designed for ambitious female executives who want to leverage their strengths at work, be great role models for their teams and also have a life beyond work 

In her work with clients, Alena combines her corporate experience & professional expertise with her training in: 

✔️Emotional Intelligence
✔️Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
✔️Coaching & Mentoring
✔️Mindfulness and Meditation. 

Although thankful for her (numerous) failures, for credibility purposes, she chooses to list a few noteworthy achievements (besides SHELeads): 

✔️Speaking at the TEDx UNYP 2017 conference
✔️Winning 2nd place in the 2018 Czech National Championship of Public Speaking
✔️Coaching X.GLU, a team from the Czech Technical University to win the world title at the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2017 in Seattle, USA (collaboration with