Jméno a příjmení: Zuzana Prediger

Oblast specializace: Business development, agile leadership, personal branding, management, sales & marketing, customer communication, presentation skills, public speaking, time management.

Mentoruji v jazyce: ČJ, AJ

Město, ve kterém bude mentoring probíhat: Primárně Praha. Jinak dle dohody či online.



Proč jsem se rozhodla být mentorkou:

Již přes 15 let se věnuji byznys koučinku a mentoringu. Mám za sebou bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti řízení lidí a byznysu přes 23 zemí sveta ze společnosti Microsoft, O2 a další. Mojí vášní je pomáhat lidem být úspěšnejší a spokojenějši. Klienti zejména oceňují moji rychlou orientaci v problému a schopnost předat praktické tipy, které mohou ihned aplikovat. Vice o mě, včetně referencí zde:

O mně:

My passion is to enable and encourage other individuals & businesses to grow and become more successful and satisfied.

I work as a coach, mentor, mediator and partner for you. I will choose the appropriate approach which would best support and fulfil your individual and/or business needs.
My typical client is:
1. Director, Manager, Team or Department Head
2. Owner of the company, Managing Director, Entrepreneur
3. Team or individual with will to change something

What can I do for you?

1. Business Development: Everything around sales. Assess your business and sales process from different perspectives. Built a sales & communication strategy incl. value proposition to identified markets/customers. Update or set up relevant sales processes and measurements etc. More than 15 years of business development thru combination of sales, marketing, PR and legal tactics. Built several business strategies and relevant processes across 23 countries while working for multinational companies.

2. People Development & Management: Individual and group development, management, motivation thru smart combination of coaching, managerial & mentoring practices. Ability to apply both on direct reports and virtual teams. Proven track records in various management positions both in CZ and abroad.

3. Agile transformation: Setting and adoption of suitable agile practices for your people and organization. Change of leadership and managerial style with focus on performance and people responsibility growth.